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Review-Kekkon Dekinai Otoko

Kekkon Dekinai Otoko

Let me start with some of my favorites. This drama is like a comfort food. It is well acted, well written light-hearted comedy.I am glad that I have watched this gem

 So the title literally translates to 'The man who can't get married'. It is a story of whimsically funny 40 years old Kuwano Shinsuke who is an architect by profession. He has some really weird personality traits which makes him socially awkward yet pompous person. The drama revolves around his everyday life at work, home and yeah the hospital. (He almost goes to the hospital daily. Hehe ).

 In the first episode he faints due to stomach pain and is taken to the hospital by lady neighbor  Michiru San. There physician Dr. Natsumi Hayasaka treats him. And then onwards his peaceful life starts getting chaotic.

His family includes a married baby sister and her family and mother. His mother is desperate to get him married but in has no luck so far. Kuwano is respected in his profession but depends on his colleague miss Sawazaki San in order to avoid conflicts with clients that occur due to his eccentric nature. His assistant Eiji Kun bares his tantrum as he can learn from him professionally.

 Each episodes starts with title "What is bad in doing.....<something>" which tries to justify different aspects of his loner life,his principles, his love and hatred for some things. Watching this drama we really live his day to day life with him like-going to kombini ( Japanese convenience store), renting DVDs, walking leisurely on the bridge, pretending to conduct an orchestra sitting in the home, stalking Kaneda, going to the hospital for silliest reasons. The background whistle music is too good (sadly couldn't find it anywhere to download). I do not want to give any spoilers on story-line but  romance is too subtle to notice and anyway is not the main theme of the drama. You need to re-watch the drama one more time for the hints.
 All the cast members have acted superbly specially Hiroshi Abe as Kuwano San. I had seen him in 'Hero' as supporting character but after watching this drama you can not imagine anyone else playing Kuwano San. He will definitely remind you of Dr. House by both looks and personality wise. We can also get to know Japanese culture,way of living life, their food, concept Omiai, Hanabi events. There is a Korean remake of this drama but I am happy with this original one.

Why it is recommended-
*For those who are tired of watching cliche dramas.
* Light drama so no headaches after watching
* Acting is good

What could have been better-

Have a great day.

PS-There is new season of Kekkon dekinai otoko. But I liked the first season.

Country: Japan
Cast      : Abe Hiroshi, Yui Natsukawa, Ryoko Kuninaka, Takashi Tsukamoto, Reiko, Takashima and a cute pug

( All images from Google)


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